+34 971 76 30 50 | +34 625 03 12 47

Chemical Peeling

Peels are classified into several types according to the degree of penetration, superficial, medium and deep.

  • Superficial: Exfoliate epidermal layers without going beyond the basal layer.
  • Medium: Exfoliate the upper layers of the dermis down to the papillary dermis.
  • Deep: They eliminate the papillary dermis and reach the reticular dermis.

The depth and type of peeling will depend on multiple factors, the substance used, its PH concentration of the solution, and the time of application.

The main advantages of Chemical Peeling are:

  • Improves pigmentary anomalies and photoaging.
  • Provides uniformity in skin tone.
  • Reduces acne marks and scars.
  • Improve wrinkles and fine expression lines
  • Improves skin texture and quality.

30 minutes

Consultation will depend on the Doctor's recommendations

1 to 3 depending on the kind of peel

If you need more information about chemical peeling do not hesitate to contact us!

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