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Q-Switched Laser

The Q-Switched laser offers the possibility of removing tattoos safely, effectively and in just a few sessions, regardless of their color.

With this same technology, most benign pigmented skin lesions can be easily removed. without the need for invasive techniques.

How does it work?

The Q-Switched laser emits at different wavelengths specific to each of the colors that a tattoo or pigmented lesion may present. The light absorbed by the pigment causes it to fragment into small particles that are eliminated by physiological mechanisms.

Quanta System’s Q-Switched equipment can combine different laser sources, which makes it possible to remove almost any type of pigment, and even the most difficult tattoos.

Q-Switched treatment

Immediately after treatment, the skin may show discoloration, and the area around the tattoo or pigmented lesion may become red or swollen. It is normal and disappears in a short time. The results of a single session will be fully visible within 4 to 6 weeks. After treatment, an antibacterial ointment can be applied and the treated area covered with a dressing.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions depends on the size, location, depth and color of the tattoos or pigmented lesions. Usually 5 to 8 sessions are sufficient. Sessions should be spaced 4 to 8 weeks apart to allow the body to eliminate the maximum amount of pigments.

Sessions normally last between 10 and 30 minutes each.

10 - 30 Min.

5 - 8

4 - 8 Weeks

If you need more information about treatments, do not hesitate to contact us!

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